Dr. Nzedegwu Robert Olisa III. PhD, MPA, MS, M[ASCP], RM[AAM], B.Sc.[hons]; Lieutenant Commander Medical Corps United States Navy [Retired]. Dr. Olisa authored Microbial Macroeconomics: Health Security Manual. Additionally, he founded the Olisa Foundation and established El-Paso Sub-Saharan Africa Union [ESAU] Chamber of commerce along with American Journal of Biological Defense. Distinctively, he was awarded the first global (US) patent for small utility —Braunmycin (Olisferrol) antibiotic, derived from MALDI and genomics and invented source codes for Biological Agents Index (BAI), a global (US) public health standard (algorithm) for online infectious disease surveillance and risk management.

Finally, his innovations and institutions continue to improve public health and reduce global poverty by enabling governments, nongovernmental and nonprofit agencies to include academic and private sector actors develop and administer impactful medicines and public policies targeting highly infectious diseases!


Founded by Dr. Nzedegwu Robert Olisa, III. PhD, a retired US Naval Officer as a multinational Texas corporate and private Trust in 1998. We work to alleviate poverty through wellness by health security using our following subsidiaries: • American Journal of Biological Defense which publishes a periodic peer review journal, health security manual and BAI surveillance- a generative artificial intelligence infectious disease surveillance platform. • International Pathology Laboratory. A manufacturing, consulting and logistics platforms that oversees quality audits to mitigate/enhance high-complexity/volume multiplex-testing while navigating invitro-diagnostic (IVD) and biopharmaceutical regulations to deliver compliance to its clients. • El-Paso Sub-Saharan Africa Union (ESAU) Chamber of Commerce. Endowed with 750 Mil (USD), ESAU promotes US- Africa Union trade in Heavy metals, medical devices, and biopharmaceutical for small business interests by influencing trade negotiations and implementing robust financial controls to increase transparency, reduce risk, and optimize resource allocation for international trade.


Health Security. Specifically, Capacity Building with Infectious disease impact surveillance using Biological Agents Inex (BAI) model for geospatial Insilco intelligence.


  • SAMs Number: EAJVMBUL9ZW5
  • CAGE Code: 60UH9.
  • Dun & Bradstreet: 10-1535156 and 96-2173824
  • U.S (IRS) company Id 82-6134572
  • Nigeria CAC: RC 33553